Advocacy / Charity Work
Starting in the mid-00's, I was one of the first people to share my story with Trichotillomania on what we now call Social Media. Across the last 15 years I've showcased life as a 'Tricher' in addition to outlining life with mental and physical health issues.
My most notable content to date is my video: 'She Takes A Photo Every Day', one video from this project has been seen over 15 million times and been a source of education worldwide.
I have spoken on ITV, on ABC's 2020, Channel 4, BBC Radio (London/Essex and in Scotland), in person at events in Poland, California, Brussels and Ireland. I've generated tens of millions of views for educational content worldwide. Partnering with numerous charities such as Childline, NSPCC and Mind, I've worked hard to spread awareness for sufferers and our conditions. I've been interviewed for newspapers and websites across the globe. This was my first article with The Daily Mail.
In 2011, I won the Speaking Out Award at the Mind Media Awards for my Advocacy work. I continued for several years as a judge and presenter at the following awards.
Awareness is a continuous mission in my eyes, whilst I'm fully aware of my impact this decade, I believe that acceptance and understanding are both long-term missions. We're not finished yet.